A Snapshot Of My Work

The goal of this page is to provide a space to share some of the work I've done as a teacher and as an Instructional Technology Leader. Some of the work you will find here was done as part of my graduate work in the Learning Design and Technology program and North Carolina State University. Some of the other things you will find here have been collected from my experience in the classroom and working with other teachers.

About This Website

This website itself is a portfolio artifact. I have written everything from the ground up. I started it in January of 2021 while taking ECI 519: Web Development with Dr. Samberg. The website is written in Visual Studio Code and is hosted by GitHub. The site contains HTML, CSS, Bootstrap styling, a small amount of Javascript, and a lot of emphasis on accessibility. It is a labor of love that will live on long after I finish the Learning Design and Technology Program.

Using FlipGrid In Elementary Content Areas

This is a training video I created for ECI: 511. This video focuses on the FlipGrid platform and how it can be used to support all content areas at the K-5 level. The video gives a few lesson ideas and walks teachers through how to integrate this tool into everyday instruction. I used the ScreenCastify tool to record and edit the video.

I continue to use this video as a resource to help teachers in my school integrate this tool within their content areas.

Modern Classroom Design

Modern Classroom Design Project

This artifact is a link to a Modern Classroom design project I put together. I researched different classroom design principles and used the dimensions of a classroom at the school I was working at to design a classroom. I designed this right before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and flexible use philosophies informed the design. Seating is interchangeable and suits small and large group instruction. I also included an itemized list for furniture and other classroom needs.

Google Workspace Professional Development for Beginning Teachers

Google Workspace for Beginning Teachers

This project is a prototpye that was developed for ECI: 516 Designing and Evaluating Instructional Materials. It was developed as a team project with Brittany Branch, Brooke King, and Kaitlin Page. We all shared equal respnsibilities in every area of the project. The genesis of this project was the need we saw for Beginning Teachers to use instructional technology in their instruction effectively. Google Workspace is a suite of tools that can be leveraged to capitalize on the 4Cs of collaboration, critical thinking, communication, and creativity.

This project walks Beginning Teachers through how to use the different applications of Google Workspace. It also offers advice for when to use individual applications in the Google Workspace Suite.

Using Video to Support Learning

This project was created for my teaching with online video course. It is a documentary style video that focuses on the Media Center at the school I work for. The two main speakers are veteral librarians that have cultivated an incredible library program. The project was written, produced, filmed, and edited by me. The goal of this project was to showacase an often overlooked area of public education and to share the story of our wonderful Media Center.

Staff Repository for Digital Tools

Staff Repository for Instructional Technology Resources

This project was developed for ECI: 518. During the early stages of the pandemic, the shift to online instruction exposed the need for teachers and school staff to learn more about instructional technology tools and practices available to them. I created an online repository with tools and instructions for how to use them. Over time, I led our school Media and Technology Advisory Committee in adding resources to the repository. The resources on this page include how to set up our LMS classes, using Google Workspace, Microsoft 365 help, and Follett Destiny library resources. The staff at my school used this site extensively while navigating remote instruction.

Instructional Technology Policies and Laws

K-5 Responsible Use Policy Artifact

This artifact is a document I created for the ECI: 518 Technology Leadership class. This document is a working document for creating a "Responsible Use Policy". I researched RUPs from around the country and created this document using the information that I found. While working on this document, I found that my organization's RUP was lacking in many respects. Upon completion I submitted my document and ideas within my organization for further review in hopes of making our existing policy more robust.